Staff Member For: Dr. Pastor Sabrina McKenzie Email: Cell: +1-(800)-385-7520
Interviews Email:
Sponsor/ Host Event:
Church Name:
Pastor’s Name:
Contact Name (required):
Contact Phone:
Fax Number:
Cell/Pager Number:
Email Address (required):
Website Address:
Street Address:
Date(s) you are wanting to book:
Type of event (Conference, Crusade, Convention, Etc.):
Name of Church / Venue or Event:
Location of Event (City):
Seating capacity:
# Expected to attend:
Total Amount:
Closest (2) Airports to Venue:
How are you publicizing this event?
Are there other Artist(s) or Ministers expected to be part of this event?
Please list any National Speakers, Authors or Recording Artists that you have hosted in the past year: